A Brief Analysis of Hip Flexors

Whether you realize it or not, your hip flexors play an essential role in your day to day life. This muscle group includes the iliopsoas, the rectus femoris, the tensor fasciae latae, and the sartorius.

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Josh Evans
Your Chiropractor’s Role in Weight Loss

More than one-third of the American population is considered overweight or obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If your weight is something you continue to struggle with despite trying various fad diets and exercises, you are in the same boat as many of you fellow Americans.

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Josh Evans
A Chiropractic Look At Carpal Tunnel 

If your daily routine requires using your arms, wrists, and hands in the same repetitive motions, you may be prone to carpal tunnel syndrome. What is CTS exactly?  Essentially it occurs when too much pressure is put on the median nerve that passes through the carpal tunnel between the bones and ligaments that connect to your hand. 

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Josh Evans
How to avoid back pain at the office

Regardless of how much you love your job, chances are that if you spend most of your day at a desk, you have experienced back pain related to sitting at a computer all day. What can you do to ensure a more comfortable and spine-friendly day? Here are a few things you should be doing every day to eliminate office related back pain.

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Josh Evans
Controlling Back Pain During Pregnancy

Pregnancy while being one of the most precious moments of life can also tend to be uncomfortable for many women, especially when it comes to pain in their lower back and pelvis. In fact, it has been reported that two out of three women suffer from lower back pain while one out of five will experience pelvic pain. This level of pain can have a bearing the woman’s enjoyment of this particular time in her life as well as affect her ability performing everyday tasks.

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Josh Evans
Combating Fibromyalgia With Whole Body Care

Fibromyalgia (FM) is difficult to diagnose because many of the symptoms associated with it are things that all of us have experienced at one time or another. These include fatigue, body aches and pains, depression, and anxiety. 2-4% of Americans are affected by this condition. But what sets their symptoms apart? And how can chiropractic treatments help?

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Josh Evans
Seasonal Allergies: Can Your Chiropractor Make a Difference?

While most people are gushing over the blooming flowers and the smell of freshly cut grass, you’re popping yet another allergy pill to hold back the inevitable red, watery eyes, congestion, and runny nose. And while medication has its place, many can cause side effects like drowsiness. Why not look for a more natural alternative? Your chiropractor may be able to do just that. 

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Josh Evans
Why You May Need to Rethink Your Pillow

If you are currently visiting a chiropractor for neck pain one of the first things he or she likely asked you is “what kind of pillow do you use?” What does your pillow have to do with your chiropractic visit? A lot actually. It is common that the cause of a restless night due to neck and back pain is often linked to the position you’re sleeping it and that includes the shape and firmness of your pillow. 

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Josh Evans