An Active Lower Back is a Happy Lower Back

In times past, doctors commonly prescribed bed rest to patients that suffered from lower back pain due to strain or injury. They reasoned that if the muscles were overworked or had experienced trauma, it was better to give them time to rest and recover rather than continue to exert them. Today, however, doctors are using a different approach. Why are they now recommending exercise over bedrest?

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Darrin Friedman
Essential Oils and Chiropractic

There are many benefits we receive from chiropractic care. While many people make frequent visits to their chiropractor various ailments, many don’t realize the advantages of combining the care with the use of essential oils.

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Josh Evans
How Vitamin C is Repairing Your Muscles

Many of us take a vitamin C supplement to boost our immune systems, especially before traveling or as the seasons change. It is a ritual we as humans have repeated for generations. But did you know that vitamin C has been proven to offer a variety of other benefits?

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Josh Evans
Could You Be at Risk for Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a condition that prevents living tissue in the bone from being replaced fast enough as it is being broken down. Therefore the bones become weak and delicate. The word osteoporosis literally means porous bones. Patients that suffer from this disorder can experience bone fractures from anything from a fall to a violent cough. The majority of the time, the person is unaware that they have the disease until they experience the first bone fracture.

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Josh Evans
Will Cervical Traction Ease Your Neck Pain?

Chiropractors use a variety of instruments and techniques to help their patients find relief from they’re pain and discomfort. One commonly used tool in the chiropractic field is a cervical traction device. How do such devices work? What are the risks and benefits of this kind of therapy? Is cervical traction right for you?

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Josh Evans
What is Kinesio Tape?

During the 2008 Summer Olympics, U.S. Women’s Beach Volleyball player, Kerri Walsh Jennings played the tournament with colorful tape streaked across her shoulder, and many spectators, even the announcers, wondered what it was. In this moment, kinesiology tape was just starting to make its way into the mainstream market.

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Josh Evans
Don’t Let Back Pain Ruin Your Road Trip

While the idea of a road trip is exciting, many of us cringe at the thought of being at the wheel for hours at a time. The strain driving puts on the joints and spine can often distract us from the enjoyment of traveling. Rather than focusing on the beautiful views we pass or the intriguing conversation we could be enjoying with that special someone in the passenger seat, all we can think about is the nagging aches in our shoulders, lower back, and knees. How can you overcome the dread that comes with a long car ride? The following suggestions will help to alieve back pain in the car.

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Josh Evans
Motor Accidents and Your Spine

Regardless of the severity of a car accident, our bodies go through a certain amount of trauma that they weren’t built to handle. When you get into an accident, your adrenaline is running high, and you may not notice that you have a back injury. Often we check ourselves for blood and broken bones and then exit the vehicle to access the damage on the outside. While your car’s bumper may need replacing, the human body can’t recover as simply.

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Josh Evans
When You Should See A Doctor About a Headache

Most of us at one time or another has experienced a headache. Whether you may realize it or not, many headaches are caused by strained muscles in the neck and spine. This is called a cervicogenic headache or a CGH. The good news is that this category of headache can be easily treated by a chiropractor.

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Josh Evans
Could Your Posture Be Affecting Your Vision?

Our body is connected in ways we might not even be aware of. Yes, you know how each joint connects every bone and so forth, but did you know that there is a link between your spinal health and your optical health? Read on to find out how the alignment of your back could be affecting the effectiveness of your eyes.

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Josh Evans
How Your Magnesium Levels are Affecting Your Body

Different minerals affect our body in different ways; however, it’s not very often that we are consciously thinking about the levels of minerals in our body or how they may be affecting us.  One such mineral that is essential to a healthy body is magnesium. But why is it so important and how is it affecting your body’s overall function?

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Josh Evans
How Summer Heat Could Be Making Your Chronic Pain Worse

For many people, changes in the weather could worsen pain caused by old injuries or conditions such as arthritis. Have you ever heard someone say, "My knee's acting up again? It's going to rain. "? It turns out that the weather can have a lot to do with flare-ups of chronic pains. Here are a few examples. 

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Josh Evans
The unexpected benefits of walking backward

t sounds AND looks a little silly to be walking down the sidewalk on the way to work backward. It may even seem a little risky, and if you’re not careful, it could be. So why would you consider taking a walk back? It turns out there are several benefits to this somewhat irrational idea. Here are a few of the unexpected ways you could benefit from following this strange trend.

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Josh Evans
Vertigo – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

If you’ve ever suffered from vertigo, then you know the nauseating, dizzy feeling of the room spinning around you. These kinds of symptoms can lead to vomiting and at times, complete incapacitation. But, what exactly triggers vertigo and what treatments can relieve the symptoms?

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Josh Evans
How You Know it's Time to Visit Your Chiropractor

Visiting the doctor is not only stressful but time-consuming. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that no one looks forward to a doctor's visit. But sooner or later we bite the bullet, and we leave the office feeling much better, wondering why we didn't make the appointment sooner.

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Josh Evans