Vertigo – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

If you’ve ever suffered from vertigo, then you know the nauseating, dizzy feeling of the room spinning around you. These kinds of symptoms can lead to vomiting and at times, complete incapacitation. But, what exactly triggers vertigo and what treatments can relieve the symptoms?

You experience vertigo when your inner ear is damaged. This can be caused by a severe blow to the head, damage due to ear surgery, and even from your spine being misaligned for a prolonged period of time.

Symptoms are typically brought on when this kind of damage causes inflammation around the nerves that help the body sense balance. Thus, the feelings of nausea and dizziness ensue, and they often last from about 20 seconds to over a minute. However, in severe cases, the bout can last more than a day and can even include the loss of hearing.

How can these episodes be avoided, and what can you do to relieve the symptoms? Vertigo cannot be treated until the cause is fully understood. This can be a challenge, as the cause is different for most people. Many times, vertigo can be experienced only once in your life, and fortunately, it goes away as quickly as it came. In these cases, there is little reason to worry as the problem solves itself. However, if you are experiencing reoccurring bouts, it is a good idea to see a doctor as it can be a sign of a stroke, bleeding in the brain, or even multiple sclerosis.

Usually, though, the particles in your inner ear just need to be re-positioned using physical therapy called vestibular rehabilitation. This therapy assists the central nervous system to compensate for inner ear problems. Some medications can also be used, including steroids to reduce inflammation or water pills to stop fluid buildup in the ear. If you suspect that the position of your spine is the cause of vertigo, your chiropractor will work with your spine and muscles to relieve the problem, often using a technique called the Epley maneuver.

There are also a few things you can do at home if you experience episodes of vertigo regularly. For example, try to stay hydrated. Even mild dehydration can trigger a spell. Also, ginger tea can help with the symptoms of nausea and even dizziness.

A vertigo spell is an unpleasant experience. Fortunately, the root causes and even the excruciating symptoms can be easily treated.

Josh Evans